Learning Management System

Our Learning Management System specially for CPC exam preparation can provide comprehensive study material, interactive practice tests, and personalized feedback to help learners master the coding concepts and pass the exam.

Our Library

Our library is a treasure trove for healthcare professionals, with a wide collection of medical coding books, anatomy and physiopathology resources, and other healthcare-related materials. Our comprehensive selection and knowledgeable staff make us the go-to destination for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge in the healthcare field.

Our Courses

Certified Professional Coder- CPC-1

This course contains CPC Examination chapter-specific guidelines with the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology and the chapter-specific assessment.

Certified Professional Coder- CPC-2

This course contains CPC Examination chapter-specific guidelines with the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology and the chapter-specific assessment.

CPC Mock Tests

These 5 Mock Tests contain 100 Questions in each Mock test, similar to a real CPC Examination, which helps students analyze their preparation.

Features of Our Courses

Why Choose Us?

We are highly dedicated to delivering Healthcare Industry knowledge with our Trained Certified Staff and Excellent training materials.

Best Industry Trainers

We have best certified experienced trainers who have knowledge of current Industry requirement which helps student to get job after clearing the certification exams requirements.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

Our most exclusive feature of updated LMS gives the experience of a live AAPC Certification examination which helps in self-pace learning and confidence to clear the exams.

Professional Certification

We provide a Course of Completion certificate that students can use for the added advantage during the job hunt after certification.